sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010


VEJA MAIS SOBRE O DEVOLVEDOR DE BOLAS PARA ATLETAS PRATICANTES DO BASQUETEBOL EM CADEIRA DE RODAS EM : http://images.google.com.br/imgres?imgurl=http://www.shootnsink.com/DSC01006.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.shootnsink.com/wheelchairbasketball.htm&usg=__EDVRYZpxF6-j8zXX4ySR5awugLI=&h=600&w=800&sz=268&hl=pt-BR&start=25&tbnid=yFlPw0crLGPt0M:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3DLUDWIG%2BGUTTMANN%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Dpt-BR%26sa%3DN%26start%3D20

shoot n sink for wheelchair players

Wheelchair Basketball
Wheelchair Basketball was originally developed by World War II veterans in the USA in 1945/1946. At the same time, Sir Ludwig Guttmann developed a similar sport named Wheelchair Netball at the Spinal Rehabilitation Hospital at Stoke Mandeville, Great Britain, to aid the rehabilitation of war veterans. When the US Wheelchair Basketball team, the Pan Am Jets, competed for the first time at the International Stoke Mandeville Games in 1955, there were no backboards owing to the British sport being Netball. This was amended for the following year's Games. Since then, the sport has developed worldwide and was introduced to the Paralympic Programme in Rome in 1960. It is one of the most popular sports in the Paralympic Games. It is designed for athletes who have a physical disability that prevents running, jumping and pivoting. Wheelchair Basketball is open to male or female athletes and is played by two teams of five players each. Depending on their functional abilities a point value from 0.5 (most severely disabled) to 4.5 is given to each player. Five players out of 12 from each team are on the court during playtime and throughout the game the total point value of each team must not exceed 14 points. The aim of each team is to score into the opponents' basket and to prevent the other team from gaining control of the ball or scoring. The measurements of the court and the height of the baskets are the same as in able-bodied Basketball. The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) is the world governing body for Wheelchair Basketball, and in 2008, the sport is practiced by athletes in around 80 countries.

Como tornar-se um grande arremessador no basquetebol :

Basketball Shooting: 10 Valuable Tips To Becoming A Better Shooter!

vejam mais em : http://images.google.com.br/imgres?imgurl=http://www.shootnsink.com/DSC01006.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.shootnsink.com/wheelchairbasketball.htm&usg=__EDVRYZpxF6-j8zXX4ySR5awugLI=&h=600&w=800&sz=268&hl=pt-BR&start=25&tbnid=yFlPw0crLGPt0M:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3DLUDWIG%2BGUTTMANN%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Dpt-BR%26sa%3DN%26start%3D20

These Basketball Shooting Tips are a great way for players, parents & coaches to learn and understand the proper mechanics and techniques needed to be a great shooter.

Every basketball player loves to shoot the ball! The most practiced skill in the game is shooting. Coaches spend a good deal of their practice time on shooting drills to improve their players' skill level. After all, if you can't shoot - you can't score!

Whether a player is shooting a jump shot, lay-up, or free throw - there are certain techniques they must use to be successful. The basketball shooting tips below will give players, parents and coaches a better understanding of what these techniques are!

1. Players should always use proper shooting techniques.
Remembering BEEF - (Balance, Eye, Elbow, Follow-Through) will help when shooting the basketball. Players must get into the habit of always using these proper shooting techniques - whether in practices or a game. If proper techniques are not used, bad habits are formed that are often difficult to correct. If players don't have a shooting technique - they need to develop one!

2. Players should always be relaxed and concentrate on the basket. Players should focus on the part of the rim that is closest to them as they shoot the basketball. When shooting lay-ups and bank shots, players should focus on the part of the backboard where they will bank the ball.

3. Players must know when they have a good shot - and then take it. Players must find the right balance between shooting too often and not shooting enough. As players develop confidence in their shot, they will also develop the ability to know when they have a good shot to take.

4. Players should be in proper balance when shooting the basketball.
Proper balance (front to back and side to side) is critical on all shots.

5. Players should follow through on every shot they take. They should also hold their follow through as this is one thing that will show them why they made or missed the shot.

6. When shooting the jump shot, players should jump naturally. They should avoid forcing their jump - it should be nice and easy. Players should jump straight up and release the shot at the top of their jump. "Up, Hang, Shoot" is an easy way to remember this.

7. Players should have an arc on every shot they take. The height of the arc will vary from player to player. Some players shoot with a high arc, while others have more of a flat shot. As long as the player is using proper shooting techniques and the shots are going in, then the arc is fine.

8. When shooting free-throws, players should be relaxed, concentrate on the basket, and have their knees bent slightly.

9. When shooting free-throws, players should keep their routine simple. This helps them concentrate more on their shot and not their routine. They should avoid excessive and unnecessary movement. They should only use the motion needed to take and make the shot.

10. Players should practice all of their shots. They should learn to shoot from any location on the court, within their range. By doing this, they become more of an all-around shooter. Players should strive for the following shooting goals: 99+% lay-ups, 70+% free-throws, 50+% field goals, 33+% 3-pointers. These goals can be modified for younger players

Article written by Joe Waters

Joe runs www.ultimate-youth-basketball-guide.com, a site dedicated to offering players, parents and coaches the best information, reviews and advice about the game of basketball.

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